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TESLA Investors: What Wall Street GETS WRONG About $TSLA Stock

Insights on Tesla's Potential Growth in Energy Sector and Robotics AI Technology Impact on Stock Value

TESLA Investors: What Wall Street GETS WRONG About $TSLA Stock

Questions to inspire discussion:

💡 What are the major businesses that Tesla is involved in?

The major businesses that Tesla is involved in include energy and FSD (Full Self-Driving technology).

⚙️ What was exciting about Tesla's energy sector in Q4 earnings?

The excitement in Tesla's energy sector during Q4 earnings was due to the consistent and exponentially growing deployments of Tesla Mega packs, which indicates a promising future revenue stream from both initial sales and ongoing revenue generated by the installed devices.

💡 What is the potential long-term revenue source for Tesla's energy sector?

The potential long-term revenue source for Tesla's energy sector is ongoing revenue from the installation of VPP software or other energy management software on devices. This will allow for revenue beyond initial sales and is expected to increase as more installations are completed.

💡 What new facility is Tesla building in Shanghai related to energy?

Tesla is building a Megapack Factory in Shanghai related to energy.

⚙️ What is the biggest opportunity Tesla is pursuing in the long term?

The biggest opportunity Tesla is pursuing in the long term is the potential of artificially intelligence (AI) powered humanoid form factor robots.

💡 Why is the physical architecture of Tesla's Optimus robot important?

The physical architecture of Tesla's Optimus robot is important because it determines if the humanoid form factor is correct, low cost, easy to produce, and has all the necessary physical attributes.

Key Highlights:

  • Analysis of Tesla's business divisions reveals concerns about stock performance and investor sentiment.

  • Excitement over growth potential and revenue increase from deployments and new factory in Shanghai.

  •  Positive outlook for energy revenue recognition in the next three quarters may surprise the market.

  •  Tesla's pursuit of AI-powered humanoid robots is a significant long-term opportunity with potential market dominance.

  •  Tesla's success hinges on leading in software, best hardware, and cost-effectiveness for widespread impact.

  •  Tesla's unique ability to understand objects through vision sets it apart from competitors.

  •  Advancements in robotics and AI technology can enhance economic productivity in structured environments.

  •  Potential market reaction to AI-powered robotics demos may lead to early stock reflection.

  •  Potential for Tesla to generate significant revenue from software deployment in vehicles.


00:00⚡️ Insights on Tesla Energy division and its future potential for revenue growth.

  • Tesla Energy division shows promising long-term potential for revenue growth.

  • Delays in revenue recognition due to complexities in energy market operations.

  • Tesla Mega pack deployments are consistently and exponentially increasing.

04:47💡 Insights on Tesla's energy sector potential and revenue recognition, with a focus on upcoming developments in China.

  • Tesla's energy sector growth potential through Megapack installations and revenue recognition.

  • Expectation of additional Megapack installations in Shanghai and potential revenue acceleration.

  • China's regulatory environment clearing hurdles for energy projects, hinting at faster revenue recognition.

  • Anticipation of revenue uptick from multiple Tesla factories simultaneously boosting investor confidence.

  • Likelihood of positive surprises in revenue recognition in the next three quarters for Tesla's energy sector.

  • Caution regarding data noise in quarterly deployments affecting market reactions.

09:19⚡️ Insights on Tesla's revenue growth, energy storage, and humanoid bots potential.

  • Market's positive reaction to energy revenue increase

  • Competition in energy storage market and new battery installations

  • Importance of multiple players in energy storage industry for sustainability

  • Tesla's advancements in humanoid bots and potential impact on stock

  • Expectation of consistent updates on Tesla bot progress

  • Long-term significance of AI-powered humanoid robots for Tesla

  • Importance of comparing Tesla's progress in FSD with competitors

13:39 ⚙️ Analysis of Tesla's Optimus project reveals potential for mass production and software excellence.

  • Tesla's Optimus project shows promise for mass manufacturing of humanoid robots.

  • Optimus Gen 2 could potentially produce 100,000 robots next year.

  • Tesla's software capabilities are on par with industry standards.

  • Tesla's software integration strategy similar to Apple's approach.

  • Focus on scalable, manufacturable hardware with low cost is crucial for success.

  • Shipping the most robots will determine success in the marketplace.

18:55💡 Insights on Tesla's potential as a robotics AI company and the impact on its stock trajectory.

  • Tesla's shift from a car company to a robotics AI company could change stock conversation.

  • Tesla's advantage in AI development due to massive data centers.

  • Tesla's hiring for Tesla bot and progress in AI development.

  • Anticipation of Tesla bot demos impacting market perception.

  • Discussion on the delayed rollout of FSD version 12 and its implications.

23:20💡 Opportunities and challenges in Tesla's advancement in AI technology for robotics.

  • Tesla's experience in developing FSD data engine can give them an advantage in building a data engine for robotics.

  • The real-world data sourcing advantage could set Tesla ahead in the development of AI-powered robots.

  • The challenge of solving the Sim2real Gap may level the playing field for competitors in robotics development.

  • Simulated data may hold more value in robotics development compared to FSD due to structured environments.

  • Tesla could potentially lead in solving the Sim2real Gap, making simulation training more effective for real-world operations.

  • Other AI-powered robot manufacturers may have an advantage in not needing to overcome the same hurdles as FSD competitors.

28:01 ⚙️ Insights on Tesla's potential impact on stock price through Optimus Gen 2 demo and FSD V12 update.

  • Tesla has the opportunity to showcase Optimus Gen 2's capabilities by the end of the year.

  • Investors may not need to wait for revenue flow to see the potential of Tesla's robotics business.

  • Expectations for FSD V12 update are high, but expansion beyond California is still awaited.

32:15⚡️ Insights on Tesla's FSD progress and potential impact on revenue and stock value.

  • Challenges with FSD V12 testing

  • Expectation of rapid improvements in FSD technology

  • Importance of timeline from internal trials to customer rollout

  • Anticipation of significant SAS revenue for Tesla

  • Speculation on impact of FSD success on Tesla stock value

  • Importance of a potential 'chat GPT moment' for Tesla FSD

  • Suggestion of offering free FSD trial as a key signal of confidence

37:25⚡️ Insights on Tesla's future revenue transformation and safety benefits of deploying FSD system wider.

  • Tesla aims for FSD system to be safer than human unsupervised for deployment in every car.

  • Once system is safer than human unsupervised, Tesla can maximize vehicle deployment for revenue.

  • Exploration of pricing strategies to maximize revenue expected post FSD deployment.

  • Anticipation of radical transformation in Tesla's revenue profile in the next few years.

  • Focus on energy, bots, and FSD as potential drivers for Tesla's stock performance.

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